A manual for the preparation of insects
Announcement: 28/09/2022

A manual for the preparation of insects

The insect preparation manual is designed as an upgrade to the insect preparation workshops where anyone interested can learn more about the world of insects that surrounds us and greatly affects our lives. It consists of several parts, and with it, all those interested will be able to learn more about ENTOMOLOGY (the science that deals with insects), the scientific and professional work of entomologists, and the insects themselves. What are insects, what do they look like and what are the interesting things related to this largest animal group today, how to recognize and find them, how to catch and preserve them, how to prepare and label them, and how to create your own entomological collection. The manual itself consists of accessories for preparation (plate for preparation, tweezers, and needles for preparation) and a booklet containing instructions for preparation.

The authors of the manual are senior curator Luka Čorak and curator pedagogue Karlo Mandić.

The manual was reviewed by Marko Šegavić, prof. mentor of the Karlovac School of Economics and Tourism and Ph.D. Renata Brezinšćak, museum advisor of the Croatian Museum of Natural History

The catalog was designed by BOLFEKI design studio and printed by Tiskara Pečarić & Radočaj d.o.o.


Luka Čorak, Karlo Mandić

in 2022

38. pp. in color

Price: 3.98 Euro